Steering Committee April 2017

GBA Steering Committee Mtg 4/12/17
In Attendance: Jessica Taylor, Tessa Keough, Lorilee Wagner, Mike Booth, Janet Hovorka, Ann Staley
Next Meeting 6/14/2017

Update on Best Practices for Conferences document: Mike Provard emailed that there were some changes FamilySearch would need in order to approve the document but did not detail what they were. He will get back to us on that and Janet will follow up with him. Discussion ensued about how FamilySearch is on both sides of the fence as conference organizer (RootsTech) and vendor so their endorsement of this document is tricky. The committee (without Mike present) decided to wait to see what the changes would be before proceeding with or without FamilySearch.

Once the Best Practices for Conferences document is approved, the committee discussed how to publicize it. It was suggested that we should put together a media kit with press release and graphics for prominent bloggers and approach Caroline Pointer and Jenna Mills about publicizing it through FGS and APG. Janet will write an article for consideration in APGQ. It can also be sent to conference organizers.

Website development was suggested for Janet will add steering committee meeting minutes after the committee has a chance to review them again. Steering committee members’ photos and names will be added with a comment form. The Best Practices document can be housed there along with announcements for upcoming networking events.

Janet will organize networking events for NERGC, SCGS and FGS. Ann Staley will check with her business partner about organizing a networking event for NGS. We discussed putting together a general flyer or business card for the group that could be distributed in a vendor’s hall to publicize the networking event for that conference.

It was reported that FGS was planning to provide vendor bucks and passports and was planning to do away with one class session to provide more vendor time. They are also providing a box lunch to all attendees in the vendor’s hall on Friday. Discussion ensued about doing another GBA drawing or activity at FGS to create more excitement in that vendor’s hall and a bigger splash in the media.

Two new initiatives were discussed as possible projects. A “My Best Idea for the Genealogy Market” blog is going to be started on the new website and the steering committee is going to start out but other entities will be encouraged to submit posts. Steering committee will start with the blog posts.
We are looking for business practices that are especially helpful in the genealogy market. Each blog post will need an image, (could be an image of the representative’s company), a short post, and a bio blurb about the contributor. Tessa will support Janet with editing duties.

Then, discussion was started about creating a directory of GBA businesses, and a directory of recommended support services. Questions came up about how to qualify businesses. It was decided that we could work on this idea further at the next meeting.
