GBA Steering Committee Mtg 1/11/17
In Attendance: Jessica Taylor, Tessa Keough, Lorilee Wagner, Mike Booth, Janet Hovorka, Mike Provard, Ann Staley
Next meeting: March 8th, 2017, 10am (MT) via
Ed Grandi is no longer with NGS and Lisa Alzo has had to excuse herself. So Tessa Keough has taken Lisa’s place as a Solopreneur/Non-Profit representative and Ann Staley has taken Ed’s place as NGS/National Society representative.
Discussed a joint drawing at RootsTech. Vendors will opt in, display sign and take emails, in exchange for the mailing list. Each vendor would need to provide a prize and help promote the drawing. Colors were discussed for a GBA logo.
Conferences best practices document was finalized by the committee.
Janet will discuss how to create buy-in with Blaine Bettinger and will send out an email to committee members about buy-in strategies and potential logos. Jessica will draw up contest rules and communicate with vendors about the drawing.
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